Our cat, White Fang, a.k.a. Fang, has FIV, the feline version of HIV. He must have picked it up from a neighbor's cat or a stray in the woods where he liked to play great white hunter - with little result. FIV is contagious only to other cats.
While he is otherwise healthy, his immune system is compromised and will be of much less help when next called upon. He is also contagious, a clear and present danger to other cats, including Hokie who has not - yet - tested positive and has become, very reluctantly, a inside cat.
Accordingly Fang is now living in Virginia, the only cat in my wife's sister's home. (Thanks Carolyn!) Thus ends our adventure that began in December, 2004. Fang has mellowed since then, now quite the lap kitty. We will miss him, but will look forward to visits when we are in Blacksburg.