Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Rooms w/view


While walking to the Field Museum across Grant Park I took this of one of my favorite Chicago buildings.

Several years ago, one cold, windy but sunny morning, I was headed across the park to the Field Museum when I turned my back to the wind for a little relief. Until that moment I had not really taken in the magnificent Chicago skyline. My jaw dropped. So instead of the warmth of the museum I decided just to walk around and look at buildings. Not particularly dressed for the occasion, I like to froze.

The memory of this building, while not the most spectacular or famous downtown has to offer, stuck with me. Although the architecture is sort of typical of a century ago, it was where it was placed that caught my eye.


Here is another view. Makes you wonder how they got it up there.


P.S. Did you like that "like to froze?" My county boy personae peakin' round the corner.

1 comment:

malindi said...

when i hit that phrase, i like to froze, i was about to crap my pants. you are too prolific for such a statement!! but then i saw your p.s. and it all made sense. sometime our 'southerness' does come out, doesn't it??