Monday, January 09, 2006


LeavesAfter returning Saturday from yet another trip to Virginia - mother is back in the hospital - I pulled into the driveway and was immediately taken aback by the amount of leaf matter coving my lawn. After much raking, and using the bagger feature of my new lawn mower, it had been leaf-free when I left. Well, almost.

The upside is that the pin oaks are now almost bare; there is little left to fall. BareTreeMaybe next time will be the last major clean-up for the season.

I am headed back tomorrow to Virginia to assist as mother returns home from her second week-long stay on the second floor of Halifax Regional Hospital. As before she will return home more healthy. But although her treatments have been effective and the doctors and staff kind, there is no place like home.

P.S. Among the things I have learned from her hospitalization is that keeping your blood pressure under control is very, very important. Years of even moderately high BP will catch up with you.

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